Bread with Brie and Cream Cheese

If you’re looking to elevate your bread-making skills with a savory twist, this cheese and onion bread is the perfect recipe. Combining the rich flavors of Brie and cream cheese with the zest of onions and the warmth of paprika and dill, this bread is a delicious addition to any meal. Let’s get started on this mouthwatering journey!


  • 400 ml warm water
  • 7 g salt
  • 8 g yeast
  • 10 g sugar
  • 600 g flour (divided into 120 g, 450 g, and 30 g)
  • 100 g Brie hard cheese, chopped
  • 120 g cream cheese
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 30 g green onion, chopped
  • 7 g sweet paprika
  • 4 g dill seeds
  • 50 ml beer (optional, can be substituted with water or broth)


1. Activate the Yeast

In a large mixing bowl, combine the warm water, salt, yeast, and sugar. Stir well to dissolve the ingredients and let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes until it becomes frothy, indicating that the yeast is activated.

2. Create the Starter

Add 120 g of flour to the yeast mixture and mix well until smooth. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and let it leaven for 40 minutes. This step helps develop the bread’s flavor and texture.

3. Form the Dough

Add the remaining 450 g of flour to the starter mixture and mix until a dough forms. It might be slightly sticky, but it will come together as you mix. Cover and let it leaven for another 20 minutes.

4. Knead the Dough

Sprinkle the last 30 g of flour onto your work surface and transfer the dough. Knead the dough for a few minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Let it rise for an additional 30 minutes, covered with a cloth.

5. Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) to ensure it’s ready for baking.

6. Prepare the Filling

Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a rectangle. Evenly sprinkle the chopped Brie, cream cheese, finely chopped onion, green onion, sweet paprika, and dill seeds over the dough. This combination of ingredients will infuse the bread with delicious flavors.

7. Incorporate the Filling

Fold the dough over the filling and knead gently to incorporate the ingredients throughout the dough. Be careful not to over-knead, as you want to maintain some chunks of cheese and onion.

8. Shape the Loaf

Shape the dough into a loaf and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. This will make it easier to transfer the loaf in and out of the oven.

9. Optional Addition

If using, brush the loaf with the 50 ml of beer for added flavor and moisture. If you prefer, you can substitute the beer with water or broth.

10. Bake the Bread

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for about 30 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.

11. Cool and Serve

Remove the bread from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack. Cooling the bread allows it to finish baking and helps it slice more easily. Once cooled, slice and serve your savory cheese and onion bread.


This savory cheese and onion bread is a fantastic way to add a unique flavor to your homemade bread repertoire. Perfect for sandwiches, as a side to soups and salads, or simply enjoyed on its own, this bread is sure to become a favorite. Enjoy the process of baking and the delicious results!


Q1: Can I use other types of cheese?
Yes, you can substitute Brie with other cheeses like cheddar, gouda, or mozzarella. Each will give a different flavor profile to the bread.

Q2: How do I store the bread?
Store the bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to three days. For longer storage, you can freeze it and reheat as needed.

Q3: Can I add other herbs and spices?
Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different herbs and spices like thyme, rosemary, or garlic powder to suit your taste.

Q4: What if I don’t have dill seeds?
If you don’t have dill seeds, you can omit them or substitute with fennel seeds or caraway seeds for a different flavor.

Q5: Can I make this recipe gluten-free?
Yes, you can use a gluten-free flour blend instead of regular flour. However, the texture might differ slightly, so adjustments may be needed.

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